dimanche 17 mai 2009


7h55, subway station "stalingrad", he was there. All dress in black, walking wihtout any fear in his eyes. like a strong block. The Man. The only one, Batman !
He took me to long to realized the scene, so i 100% miss the photography (i don't use digital...)
Anyway, now, i know, yes i know, the legend :)
bonne journée !

6 commentaires:

GOTAMCITY ! a dit…

et Robin ?

JEM a dit…

et laure ?


si tu croises Superman, tu pourras lui demander de sauver le monde, steup' ?

Pierre Prospero a dit…

désolé, Superman est tres occupé avec Laure...je crois qu il peut pas sauver le monde avant la fin du mois, là...

NICK a dit…

you're everywhere !!!!!!

TONY a dit…

Of course Paris is a super town