mardi 8 septembre 2009

danse avec les coupes de champ'

Friends, hello !
As you can see on those sneaks pics, my first wedding session was a REALLY nice time.
Down the south of the france, behind Marseille, a perfect moment with really charming people...i just by now have to deal with 750 photographys, but it worst it.
Don't miss with september !!!!!! hope your is INSANE !

Ma vie ne tiens plus qu'a un fil.

6 commentaires:

SUPER FAN ! a dit…

quel eclat !
beau travail, comme à votre habitude...

hugh a dit…

Yeah PIerre! Can't wait to see some more.


je suis sure que les paye les gars qui metent des com !!!!!!!!!

Pierre Prospero a dit…

You guys put me under presure !!!!!!

Anonyme a dit…

Waouh, Morgan!!

Morgan a dit…

j'avais pas vu !

tiens :