Such a bright sunday ! who is Tara Donne ??? Certainly a fantastic and talented photgraph from Washington. Pictures are takling for herself... It could perfectly match with this, don't you think ? I do. bon dimanche.
Evening everyone. Few weeks before, i received from Josh Stewart in New York the last DVD from Traffic skateaboard. A new street adventure with my number one hero: Bobby Puleo. Brick Wall and cellar doors on your mind for two and half minutes on NYC street... Un thé caramel et ca repart !
Evening crew. Here is one of the hundred tests I made for one the most anticipated notebook contest of 2009 : The Moleskine Detour. My Parisian baby ll fly to Istanbul and with a little bit of help , be selected to go to Tokyo for the last stop of the show. Hum…sweet dream. Will see. "Qu'est ce que tu veux...j'aime etre oisif."
Hello. i think I forgot to tell you than I had few pictures on the French edition of sk8 mag. A nice new one full of new guys (both side of the camera !) …ho, I also had 6 pages interview there :) j’écoute encore une dernier fois Thomas, et je file en ville !
Don't be jalous about my new spifire 50 hardcore ! This world might be burn soon, but, once again, i ll be in the Parisian Streets riding my new friends ! "Tu verras dans l'amour, il y a le mot "toujours" et le mot "souvenir" qui se battent souvent..."